Breast Augmentation
For many women, their breasts are central to their body image. Many women have never been satisfied with their breasts — whether its the size, proportionality, or even symmetry. Breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Citron can change that.
Whatever your reasons for seeking breast augmentation, Dr. Citron has extensive experience with this procedure and you’ll be thrilled with your new figure.
What is breast augmentation?
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure where saline or silicone breast implants are placed into pockets created in front or behind the pectoral muscle on the chest. Augmentation changes the breast size, projection characteristics, and volume, particularly on the upper breast. Breast augmentation is a popular procedure with our Citron & Citron patients, and for the whole country. For the past number of years, this procedure has been the most popular cosmetic surgery in the U.S.
Would I be a good candidate for breast augmentation?
There isn’t a single reason a woman chooses to have her breast size augmented.
Maybe you’ve always felt that your breasts weren’t proportional with the rest of your figure. Maybe your breasts are a little uneven or asymmetrical (most women have some degree of this). Maybe you feel your breasts have flattened somewhat with age and you would like to add volume.
Or maybe you’d simply like to have larger breasts and a shapelier figure.

One thing that Dr. Citron stresses with his patients considering augmentation is that the decision needs to be made for you first and foremost. This isn’t something to have done due to pressure from a spouse or partner. It’s important that this is what you want.
That said, breast augmentation has one of the highest satisfaction rates of all cosmetic procedures. A recent survey conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that 98 percent of women felt their augmentation either met or exceeded their expectations. Over 90 percent of the women also said they felt the procedure increased their self-esteem.
What are the options for breast implants?
Basically, implants are classified by what is used to fill the silicone outer shells. This is either saline solution or a relatively cohesive silicone gel. Here is more detail on both options. During your consultation with Dr. Citron, he will walk you through the various choices you’ll make.
Silicone gel
Silicone gel implants consist of a silicone outer shell filled with medical-grade silicone gel. Today’s silicone gel is more “cohesive,†meaning it stays together and within the shell more if the implant ruptures. Silicone gel was formerly more liquid in nature; today’s gels are more like gelatin.
The consensus is that silicone implants feel more like natural breast tissue when compared with saline implants. An obvious disadvantage is if the implant ruptures. This can allow some of the silicone gel to leak into the breast pocket that was created to hold the implant. When this happens, the patient doesn’t usually know, as the implant retains its shape. The leak will show up on the regular mammograms necessary with silicone implants. The ruptured implant and any leaked gel will need to be removed and the implant replaced.
Gummy bear implants
Although technically silicone, gummy bear implants are different and deserve their own description. Gummy bear implants are made with “highly cohesive†silicone gel — think of the consistency of a gummy bear. This gel is much thicker than the gel used in other silicone implants. If a gummy bear implant is cut in half, the gel will remain within the shell and not leak out.
Gummy bear implants are also created in a teardrop shape, which is closer to the shape of the natural breast.
Saline implants consist of a silicone outer shell filled with sterile saline solution. Unlike silicone implants, which are filled at the factory, saline implants are placed into the breast pocket empty and are then filled in place. This allows these implants to be placed through smaller incisions. It also allows some flexibility with size.
If a saline implant ruptures, the body simply absorbs the salt water. But when this happens the implant will fully deflate, leaving the patient with one flattened breast. And, while the saline will be absorbed, the ruptured shell will still need to be surgically removed and replaced.
The Ideal Implant® is a relatively new option in saline implants that is becoming very more popular. The Ideal Implant® is made with a series of nested implant shells and two separate chambers that hold the saline solution. These implants provide the security of saline solution (in case of rupture), but they feel more natural, like silicone implants. Plus, unlike regular saline implants, they don’t have problems with wrinkling and folding.
How will I choose the size of my implants?
Some women assume breast implants are sized akin to bra sizes, but this isn’t the case. Implants are sized by the amount of material filling the implant shell, in cubic centimeters. The most popular size for implants is between 350 and 400 ccs, equating basically from a small to large C cup in bra size. At Citron & Citron, we have various tools to help you visualize how different implant sizes will look on your figure.

How is breast augmentation done?
This is not a difficult procedure. Augmentation is performed as outpatient surgery with the patient under general anesthesia. The surgery takes from 45 minutes to one hour. Incision length is generally about one inch for placement of saline breast implants, and 1.5-2 inches for silicone implants. This difference is because saline implants are filled after placement, while silicone implants are placed already filled.
After the incisions are made, a pocket is created behind each breast that will hold the implant. Then the implants are inserted. Dr. Citron checks for symmetry and position and then closes the incisions with tiny sutures to minimize scarring.
Dr. Citron has extensive experience with various incision locations. He takes meticulous care to avoid injuring the nipple (to not affect sensation) or the milk ducts (to not impact breastfeeding).
Can I combine a breast lift with augmentation?
Yes. Many patients interested in a breast lift don’t realize that, while it doesn’t decrease breast size, a breast lift simply brings the breasts back to a higher position on the chest. This procedure removes excess, sagging skin and repositions the breasts, but lifts do not add volume. Because of that, many of our West Orange patients opt to have Dr. Citron add breast implants during the breast lift surgery.
It’s actually a great combination procedure because Dr. Citron can use the incisions needed for the breast lift to insert the implants so it’s as if the implants are simply an add-on to the breast lift procedure.
What will my recovery be like after breast augmentation?
A nice thing about this surgery is that it can really change your figure and boost your confidence, but it doesn’t involve a difficult recovery. You’ll return home just a couple hours after your surgery. Dr. Citron will have bandaged your breasts and you’ll be wearing a surgical bra for support. We’ll prescribe pain medication, but many patients don’t feel that they need it, as the pain is more soreness than acute. After one day, you’ll return to our offices and we’ll remove the bandages and check to be sure your healing looks to be going well. At this point, we’ll show you how to massage your breasts to relax the muscles and help the implants settle into their breast pockets. This type of postoperative massage has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of capsular contracture (where scar tissue contracts and hardens around the implant) and decrease discomfort.
Most patients can return to work approximately 3-5 days after surgery. Your sutures will be removed after one week. You’ll wear a support bra 24 hours a day for one month after your surgery so as not to place any stress on your incisions. This is very important. Normal activities can resume in 1-2 weeks, but any impact exercise will need to wait for one month. Upper body exercise, such as lifting weights, will need to wait for six weeks.
What are the risks involved with breast augmentation?
Beyond the general risks associated with any surgery, there are some risks specific to breast augmentation. These include:
- Capsular contracture
- Implant leakage or rupture
- Implant shifting
- Changes in nipple sensation
- Impaired ability to breastfeed
- Breast asymmetry
- Visible rippling of the implant

You may have heard the recent news of the FDA asking the manufacturer Allergan to voluntarily recall all textured breast implants. This is in response to a possible link between textured implants and women developing a very rare condition known as anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Textured implants were developed to keep the implant from rotating in the breast pocket, but they were never widely used and are no longer available.
What should I expect during my consultation with Dr. Citron for breast augmentation?
Our consultations for any surgery at Citron & Citron are meant to be a give and take session. Dr. Citron wants to find out your goals for your augmentation. This is more than simply having larger breasts; it’s about how you see your body, and what you’d like to change. We want you to ask every question you have. It really helps if you’ve done some research on your own about augmentation and the various decisions you’ll need to make, everything from incision location to implant type to the projection characteristics of those implants. Dr. Citron will walk you through the various decisions you’ll be making as we move forward. It can seem somewhat overwhelming at first, but it’s our goal for you to become completely comfortable and at ease with the entire process and your surgery.Â